Thursday, May 14, 2020

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1 & 6 cover recreations

My very first comic book pal was my friend Allan, whom I met in fourth grade. For years, we engaged in that now-extinct fanboy kid ritual of trading comics (over the phone!). Al was more of a Marvel kid, while I was a DC guy (although not exclusively). Recently, as I'm quarantined and furloughed, he commissioned me to do a couple of Spider-Man cover recreations, for The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (1964) by Spidey's co-creator, Steve Ditko, and The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #6 (1969) by Ditko's successor, John Romita. Both covers feature The Sinister Six, a super-team of Spidey foes! And you know who's really hard to draw? Spider-Man's rogues gallery, that's who!!! Okay, The Sandman's pretty easy, but Kraven, Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Electro, and The Vulture all have costumes that can drive ya batty! Still these were really fun to do, and led to two more Spider-Man recreations for another friend that I will post tomorrow (or, before this post if you're looking at this any time after today, so why the heck am I writing this in a time-sensitive context, that makes zero sense!). 


Todd Merrick Novak (aka beanlynch) said...

Would love to see these with a higher resolution.

Todd Merrick Novak (aka beanlynch) said...

Would love to see these with a higher resolution.