Tuesday, October 5, 2010

PRINCE STREET NEWS: Groove Like a Spider

Man, am I bummed that this never saw print. I did this (based on a piece I wrote for CMJ New Music Monthly in 1998) for COMIC BOOK ARTIST Magazine in 2007, with the intent being to continue PRINCE STREET NEWS as a comic strip about comics in each issue of that fine publication. Sadly, CBA seemed to fade away, as its editor became too busy with other jobs.
Happily, however, I was able to successfully pitch the strip to Michael Eury's BACK ISSUE! Magazine, where it has appeared sporadically since 2011. This strip, however, remains unpublished.
As another postscript, happily, the KPM Music Library released two digital volumes of the music that was used for the latter season of the SPIDER-MAN cartoon, so now all I need is the music from the first season!

As part of the prep for this strip, I re-drew both the GRAVE record and the cover of SPIDER-MAN #109, then pasted them into the strip later in Photoshop.

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